
Safety of the expectant mother
and fetus is our top priority.

For inquiries: 031-782-8300(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)

Safety of the
expectant mother
and fetus is
our top priority.

For inquiries: 031-782-8300(KOR) /
Birthing Center at CHA Ilsan Medical Center
The Birthing Center at CHA Ilsan Medical Center, which boasts 60 years of world-renowned reputation, considers the safety of the mother and fetus a top priority. For this reason, we operate an Obstetrics Intensive Care Unit specifically for high-risk pregnancies and preterm labor. From immediate medical attention and care to emergencies we have OBGYN specialists and anesthesiologists stationed 24 hours, 365 days. The Obstetrics Intensive Care Unit is clean and modern providing a relaxing atmosphere for expectant mothers while being closely monitored. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and has a team of specialist physicians and nursing staff to provide safe medical care to newborns.
What is High-Risk Pregnancy?
High-risk pregnancy, is when expectant mothers or fetus might be at increased risk of health problems before, during or after delivery. This is often the case if expectant mothers suffer from a chronic illness or have other factors and conditions. It is even possible to begin with a normal pregnancy and later develop conditions that may put expectant mothers into the high-risk category. These cases require special monitoring and care from a specialized hospital throughout the pregnancy. A variety of tests may be frequently needed at specific weeks of gestation. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain scheduled prenatal care appointments with your physician. Also, some high-risk pregnancies may require admission. Depending on the nature of the pregnancy, the condition of the expectant mother and/or fetus may worsen and become difficult to recover, so an early detection and diagnosis of high-risk factors are crucial. The following are classified as high-risk pregnancy:

Factors Involving Mother and Father
  • Maternal age (age 19 or younger and age 35 or older)
  • Personal or family history of genetic disorder and/or congenital anomalies
  • Infection during pregnancy (hepatitis, syphilis, chicken pox, HIV, CMV, etc.)
  • Smoking / alcohol
  • Weight (severely underweight or overweight)
  • Rh- blood type
  • Uterine anomalies and/or presence of myoma uteri
  • Pre-existing disease/disorder (diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disorder, autoimmune disease, epilepsy, etc.)
  • History of high-risk pregnancy (congenital anomalies/chromosome abnormalities, multiple miscarriages/stillbirth, premature labor, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, etc.)

Factors Developing into High-Risk Pregnancy
  • Preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes (amniotic sac)
  • Placenta abnormalities (placenta previa, placenta accrete, etc.)
  • Polyhydramnios or Oligohydramnios
  • Intrauterine growth restriction or fetus too large for gestational age
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Gestational hypertension / gestational diabetes
  • Positive screening results for birth defects
  • Suspicious findings of possible fetal malformation on ultrasound