
Introducing genus research, multidisciplinary treatment,
and providing one-stop specialized treatment service.

For inquires: 031-782-8300(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)

Introducing genus research, multidisciplinary treatment, and providing one-stop specialized treatment service.

For inquires: 031-782-8300(KOR) /
CHA Ilsan Medical Center
Advanced Internal Medicine Center
Advanced internal medicine center of CHA Ilsan Medical Center is a center of the concept of “Hospital in Hospital,” where all internal medical treatments and tests such as digestive, respiratory, and endocrine can be performed.

It is located on the 3rd floor of CHA Ilsan Medical Center, with a size of 991m2, subdividing internal medicine subjects such as digestive organs, respiratory organs, circulatory organs, and endocrinology, and reinforcing specialized medical staff to provide specialized treatment services by about 10 specialists.
In particular, we have alleviated the inconvenience of moving patients and guardians to various places in the hospital for examinations and treatments by arranging examination rooms, such as an examination room, gastrointestinal endoscopy room, bronchoscopy room, and ultrasound room, all on one floor.

Provides personalized treatment for each individual by introducing the concept of sex difference medicine for the first time in Korea
The state-of-the-art internal medicine center introduced the concept of “Genus Research Hospital,” which is the first in Korea to treat and prescribe different treatments for the same disease according to gender. Genus Research refers to reflecting the medical differences between women and men and applying them to patient care. CHA Ilsan Medical Center's Advanced Internal Medicine Center focuses on such Genus Research to differentiate treatment guidelines for men and women, and offers personalized treatment for each patient.

Provide one-stop specialized medical service
For patients with complex diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, we conduct cooperation with other clinical departments as well as internal departments. Through this, comprehensive treatment is provided for patients with complex diseases, and prevents duplicate treatment through integrated examinations and prescriptions, and increases safety and treatment efficiency.

Through multidisciplinary team approach, one-stop service is provided for diseases frequently occurring in women such as osteoporosis, thyroid and breast diseases, and complications thereof. We provide one-stop specialized diagnosis and treatment for all diseases related to the digestive system, including chronic diseases and functional diseases, and tumor diseases such as stomach and colon cancer.