
Adolescent’s problems must be solved
through mutual cooperation, with a broad
understanding and empathy towards them.

For inquires : Pediatrics Department 031-782-8372(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)

Adolescent’s problems must be solved through mutual cooperation, with a broad understanding and empathy towards them.

For inquires : Pediatrics Department
031-782-8372(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)
What is the importance of adolescent medicine?
    • First, it is necessary to understand the term adolescent.
      World Health Organization (WHO) defines ‘adolescents' as individuals in the 10-19 years age group and ‘youth' as the 15-24 year age group. While ‘young people' covers the age range 10-24 years. The word adolescence derives from the Latin word ‘adolescere’ which means ‘to grow up’.
    • Did you know the term adolescent is used to describe the process of a child becoming an adult?
      But there's a very important part of this process. It's called puberty. The foundation of this process is the change in hormones in our bodies. Commonly, the term adolescence is used to describe the process of a child becoming an adult, but it should be emphasized that it can also represent a period at which the body becomes mature, capable of becoming pregnant and give birth.
What does adolescence and puberty mean?
This period is when the effect of hormonal changes are significant not only physically but also in the emotional aspect.
What are the main characteristics of adolescence?
Granville Stanley Hall, an American psychologist, educator and father of youth psychology, called adolescence as the "time of storm." This period is a very important process for human beings to grow and mature properly. The characteristics of adolescence are as follows:

1. Biological growth and development
2. An undefined status
3. Increased decision making
4. Increased pressures
5. The search for self / identity [G. Stanley Hall]
How to approach adolescents' health issues?
1. It is important that the adolescent feels respected and to seek permission before proceeding with care.
2. In addition to physical health problems, a holistic approach is needed to help solve emotional and social problems. This requires exploration of the adolescent themselves as well their surroundings and people around them.
3. It is important to understand the concept that physical, mental, and social problems are closely related. It is recommended to look at all aspects of mental and physical illness.
4. It helps to establish self-identity through encouragement and education.
What are a few theories for dealing with adolescence?
There are a variety of theories to approach and solve adolescent problems.

1. Martin Seligman’s positive psychology
2. William Glasser’s choice theory
3. Brené Brown's vulnerability theory
4. Emmy Werner’s resilience theory

Adolescent’s problems must be solved through mutual cooperation, with a broad understanding and empathy towards them. Above all, the adolescent should be always be the main focus when offering help.