
About 1,500 cases of keloids have been treated with an electron beam,
and we have established a cooperative system with various departments
to provide personalized treatment.

For inquires : 031-782-8810/8811(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)

About 1,500 cases of keloids have been treated with an electron beam, and we have established a cooperative system with various departments to provide personalized treatment.

For inquires :
031-782-8810/8811(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)
What is a keloid scar?
A Greek word derived from the word crab, which means that the scar is abnormally enlarged due to excessive formation of fibrous tissue in the process of wound healing.

Cesarean keloid before treatment

Cesarean keloid after treatment

  • Keloid skin features
    • When the wound usually hurts, the tissue thickens abnormally
    • In case of itching or pain as flesh grows in the surgical field
    • If the surface of the thickened scar is glossy and dark pink or light brown
Causes of keloids

LINAC equipment used to treat electron beam

Keloid treatment progress
  • Electron beam treatment
    • Electron beam therapy has the highest cure rate among keloid treatments.
    • Treatment with an electron beam after scar resection to minimize growth and recurrence of keloid scars.
    • The cure rate of electron beam treatment is 65~99%, and it can be treated at a relatively high rate.
    • Some cases of recurrence are most likely to partially recur.
    • Satisfaction with the accompanying uncomfortable symptoms is high.

  • Electron beam treatment method
    • Electron beam therapy is performed 3-4 times a day after surgery depending on the site
    • Treatment time is within 5-10 minutes and painless treatment
    • Electron beam treatment uses radiation, but only from the skin to a certain depth, and there is no radiation effect on the internal organs. Also, there is no radiation left in the body, so there is no concern about radiation exposure.
    • Safe keloid treatment method with proven effectiveness and side effects in many papers worldwide