
Allergic diseases and respiratory diseases common
to children are treated, and various special tests
are conducted for accurate diagnosis.

For inquiries : Pediatrics 031-781-8372(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)

Allergic diseases and respiratory diseases common to children are treated, and various special tests are conducted for accurate diagnosis.

For inquiries : Pediatrics
031-781-8372(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)
About Clinic
Allergic diseases such as food allergy, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and respiratory diseases such as acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis are treated. For accurate diagnosis, special tests such as radiographic tests, allergy tests, food and drug-induced tests, lung function tests, and asthma induction tests are conducted.
Allergy test
1. Blood allergy test
[MAST or immunoCAP]

This is a method to find out the cause of an allergic disease by measuring the specific immunoglobulin E for the causative substance using a blood test. After sufficient consultation with a specialist, blood is collected and tested, and the results are explained after 1 to 2 weeks.
2. Skin test (Skin prick test)
It is a test in which a reagent containing an allergen-causing antigen is instilled on the back or arm and a reaction is observed 15 to 30 minutes later. The test takes about 1 hour, and you can check the results on the same day. It is recommended that you visit the hospital and consult a specialist before deciding when to take the test, as you should stop taking the medication before conducting the test.
3. Food and drug provocation tests
It is a method of taking or administering foods or drugs suspected of causing allergies and checking in the hospital for allergic reactions. The test starts with very small amounts and repeats them step by step, taking about 3 to 4 hours. It is recommended that you visit the hospital and consult a specialist before deciding when to take the test, as you should stop taking the medication before conducting the test.
pulmonary function test
It allows you to objectively evaluate the condition of the respiratory system and provides useful information for diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. Pulmonary function tests that are generally performed are using the hard exhalation method and can be performed by people aged 5-6 or older.
Precautions before test
As this is a test that is affected by the medications you are taking, there are medications that should be stopped before the test.
Process To obtain a reliable maximum expiratory flow curve, children should exhale with maximum effort without stopping for at least 3 seconds after inhaling as much as possible. At least 3 standardized trials are required to obtain consistent and representative results. CHA Ilsan Medical Center is trying to ensure accurate testing by experienced test testers who have handled children in a child-friendly laboratory.
Laboratory location
Respiratory testing room in the functional testing room on the 5th floor
Asthma test
1. Bronchial provocation test and Bronchodilator response test
This is a method of diagnosing lung diseases by measuring changes in lung function after administration of drugs. The test takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the type of drug being administered.
2. Exercise provocation test
This test is used to diagnose exercise-induced bronchial asthma or exercise-induced allergic disease, which is symptomatic of running or exercising. Since the test for symptoms occurs 10 to 15 minutes after completing the exercise within 10 minutes, the test takes about 1 hour.