
Early adolescent care reduces psychosocial stress
by matching puberty development with peers
while minimizing the loss of growth potential.

For inquires: Pediatrics Department 031-782-8372(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)

Early adolescent care reduces psychosocial stress by matching puberty development with peers while minimizing the loss of growth potential.

For inquires: Pediatrics Department
031-782-8372(KOR) / +82-10-8866-2268(ENG)
What is Precocious Puberty?
Precocious puberty is when a child's body begins changing into that of an adult (puberty) too soon. When puberty begins before age 8 in girls and before age 9 in boys, it is considered precocious puberty. When puberty begins early (girls between the ages of 8-9, male 9-10) and progresses very quickly, bones mature and stop growing earlier than normal and can lead to adult short stature, which is also called "early puberty" and is considered 새 be a broad term for precocious puberty.
What Causes Precocious Puberty?
The onset of puberty is normally triggered by the hypothalamus. This area of the brain signals the pituitary gland to release hormones that stimulate the ovaries (in girls) or testicles (in boys) to make sex hormones. Most commonly, especially in girls, precocious puberty is due to the brain sending signals earlier than it should. There is no other underlying medical problem or trigger. However, precocious puberty can rarely stem from a more serious problem, such as a tumor. Occasionally adrenal glands, ovarian, or testicular abnormalities can also cause precocious puberty.
What are the Symptoms of Precocious Puberty?
Symptoms of precocious puberty are manifested by physical changes in puberty caused by increased sex hormone secretions. For females, start of menstruation and for boys, enlargement of the testicles and penis and becoming a darker color. Acne and pubic hair can begin to develop and mature body odor may develop.
When Should You See the Doctor?
Slightly early puberty doesn't always mean precocious puberty. If the child’s body is growing very fast compared to the child’s peers, or if the child’s bone age is more than a year older than the child’s actual age, precocious puberty may be suspected, and several tests may help diagnose precocious puberty.
How is Precocious Puberty Diagnosed?
1. A questionnaire that provides a detailed understanding of the start of secondary sex characteristics that includes precocious puberty progress rate, growth rate, history of parent’s puberty period, and etc..
2. Evaluate growth and puberty development through physical examination and check for symptoms of other diseases.
3. A bone x-ray may be performed to determine bone age
4. Gonadotropin-stimulating hormone (GnRH) stimulation test is used to check the progress and cause of precocious puberty
5. Ultrasound or brain MRI may be needed if other causes of disease are suspected
What is the Method of Treatment for Precocious Puberty?
The main purpose of treating precocious puberty is to minimize the loss of growth potential and reduce mental and social stress by matching puberty development with peers.
Treatment to delay puberty involves hormone injections to stop sexual development and is given every four weeks. Treatment is targeted at children with advanced bone age and rapidly progressing signs of puberty.
The sooner the child starts treatment, the better. If the bone age is already too advanced, it is difficult to fully recover. In addition, as of the current standard, girls must start before the age of 9 and boys before the age of 10 to be covered by Korean National Health Insurance.
When Should the Child Receive Treatment for Precocious Puberty?
    • breast development before age 8
    • enlargement of the testicles or penis before age 9
    • start of menstruation before age 10
    • height is shorter but puberty is faster than peers
Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Precocious Puberty
    • Regular exercise and a balanced diet to prevent obesity.
    • Reduce stress and have an happy mindset.
    • Reduce the use of disposable plastic containers and avoid exposure to environmental hormones.
    • Pay attention when eating health foods.
    • Adult lotions and detergents should not be used if possible.