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    부인암, 자궁근종, 난소종양, 비정상자궁경부세포진, 자궁내막증, 로봇/복강경/단일공 수술, 암생존자 임신능력 보존
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  • 한양대학교
  • 차의과학대학교
  • 차의과학대학교 분당차병원 부인암센터
  • 안동성소병원 산부인과
  • 차의과학대학교 일산차병원 산부인과
  • 차의과학대학교 일산차병원 부인종양센터
  • 차의과학대학교 일산차병원 자궁근종센터장
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학회·연구·연수·수상 경력
  • 미국 암연구학회
  • 미국 하버드 의대 암센터 연구원(Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School)
  • 대한산부인과학회 산부인과 용어집 발간위원회 위원
  • Ceppi L, Bardhan LM, Na YJ, Siegel A, Rajan N, Fruscio R, Del Carmen MG, Belcher AM, Birrer MJ. Real-Time Single-walled carbon nanotube-based fluorescence imaging improves survival after debulking surgery in an ovarian cancer model. ACS Nano, in press.DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09829
  • Zaborowski MP, Lee K, Na YJ, Sammarco A, Zhang X, Iwanicki M, Cheah PS, Lin HY, Zinter M, Chou CY, Fulci G, Tannous BA, Lai CPK, Birrer MJ, Weissleder R, Lee H, Breakefield XO. Methods for systematic identification of membrane proteins for specific capture of cancer-derived extracellular vesicles. Cell Reports 2019 Apr 27; 255–268
  • Ye H, Tanenbaum LM, Na YJ, Mantzavinou A, Fulci G, del Carmen MG, Birrer MJ, Cima MJ. Sustained, low-dose intraperitoneal cisplatin improves treatment outcome in ovarian cancer mouse models. J Control Release 2015 Dec 28;220:358-67
  • Ghosh D, Bagley AF, Na YJ, Birrer MJ, Bhatia SN, Angela M. Belcher. Deep, noninvasive imaging and surgical guidance of submillimeter tumors using targeted M13-stabilized single-walled carbon nanotubes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Sep 11; 111(38):13948-13953
  • Na YJ, Farley J, Zeh A, del Carmen M, Penson R, Birrer MJ. Ovarian cancer: markers of response. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2009 Dec;19 Suppl 2:S21-9.
  • Yoon SW, Lee C, Cha SH, Yu JS, Na YJ, Kim KA, Jung SG, Kim SJ. Patient selection guidelines in MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery of uterine fibroids: a pictorial guide to relevant findings in screening pelvic MRI. Eur Radiol. 2008 Dec;18(12):2997-3006.
  • Yoon SW, Kim KA, Cha SH, Kim YM, Lee C, Kim SJ, Na YJ. Successful use of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery to relieve symptoms in a patient with symptomatic focal adenomyosis. Fertil Steril. 2008 Nov;90(5):2018.e13-5.
  • Kim SJ, Na YJ, Jung SG, Kim CJ, Bae SN, Lee C. Management of high-risk hydatidiform mole and persistent gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: the Korean experience. J Reprod Med. 2007 Sep;52(9):819-30.
  • Kim SJ, Lee C, Kwon SY, Na YJ, Oh YK, Kim CJ. Studying changes in the incidence, diagnosis and management of GTD: the South Korean model. J Reprod Med. 2004 Aug;49(8):643-54.
  • Kim YN, Lee C, Kim SJ, Lee SY, Kim IH, Na YJ, Jeong SG. Alterations in promoter usage and expression levels of insulin-like growth factor-2 and H19 genes in ovarian cancers. Kor J Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Mar;47(3):464-472.