항상 최고의 진료를

김명준 교수
  • 전문분야
    소아초음파 진단, 소아 투시검사, 소아 전산화 단층촬영, 소아 자기공명영상, 태아 자기공명영상
  • 연세대학교
  • 차의과학대학교
  • 연세대학교 세브란스 어린이병원 소아영상의학과 과장
  • 연세대학교 세브란스병원 영상의학과 과장
  • 차의과학대학교 일산차병원 영상의학과 과장
학회·연구·연수·수상 경력
  • Boston  Childrens  Hospital,  Harvard  Medical  School 연수
  • University  of  Wisconsin,  Madison 연수
  • Member of Radiological Society of North America
  • Member of Society for Pediatric Radiology
  • Member of Asian Oceanian Society for Pediatric Radiology
  • 대한영상의학회 의무위원회 간사, 편집위원, 학술위원
  • 대한초음파학회 기획이사
  • 대한자기공명의학회 편집위원 외 다수
  • 편측성 다낭포성 신이형성증의 임상경과대한소아신장학회지(Journal of Korean Society for Pediatric Nephrology) 4/0 :63-68,2000
  • Biliary Atresia in Neonate and Infants: Triangular Area of High Signal Intensity in the Porta Hepatis at T2-weighted MR Cholangiography with US and Histopathologic CorrelationRADIOLOGY 215/2 :395-401,2000
  • Does every patient with ureteropelvic junction obstruction need voiding cystourethrography?JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 165/6 :2305-2307,2001
  • Use of imaging for assessing anatomical relationships of tracheobronchial anomalies with left pulmonary artery slingPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 31/ :269-278,2001
  • Using MR cholangiopancreatography to reveal anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal union in infants and children with choledochal cystsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY 179/1 :209-214,2002
  • 기계적 환기요법을 시행받은 미숙아에서 저탄산혈증과 뇌실주위 백질연화증의 발생과의 관계대한신생아학회지(Journal of Korean Society Neonatology) 9/2 :150-158,2002
  • 9세 남아에서 우연히 발견된 기관지원성 낭종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 14/3 :234-238,2004
  • 미숙아 대동맥 혈전의 urokinase 투여 효과대한신생아학회지(Journal Of The Korean Society Of Neonatology) 11/2 :203-209,2004
  • 원위 신세뇨관성 산증에 합병된 급성 주기성 저칼륨혈증 마비 1례대한소아신장학회지 8/1 :63-67,2004
  • 출산 전후기에 진단된 무증상 부신 종괴의 치료대한소아외과학회지(Journal Of The Korean Association Of Pediatric Surgeons) 10/2 :107-111,2004
  • 태아 복부 고형 종양 (solid tumor)의 영상 진단대한산부회지 47/5 :894-900,2004
  • Elastin content of the renal pelvis and ureter determines post-pyeloplasty recoveryJOURNAL OF UROLOGY 173/3 :962-966,2005
  • 무증상 혈뇨 또는 단백뇨 소아의 좌신정맥 혈류 속도대한소아신장학회지 9/1 :15-20,2005
  • Factors affecting spontaneous resolution of hematuria in childhood nutcracker syndromePEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY 20/ :609-613,2005
  • Superimposition of nutcracker syndrome in a haematuric child with Henoch-Scho?nlein purpuraINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE 59/ :1472-1475,2005
  • 흉막 삼출을 동반한 흉선 성숙 기형종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 15/1 :78-83,2005
  • Doppler ultrasonographic detection of nutcracker syndrome in a young child with intussusception: A case reportCLINICAL OBSERVATIONS / :1510-1513,2005
  • Nutcracker syndrome combined with IgA nephropathy in a child with recurrent hematuriaPEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 48/ :324-326,2006
  • Caroli's syndrome with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in a two month old infant.YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 47/1 :131-134,2006
  • The Prevalence, Physical Characteristics and Diagnosis of Nutcracker SyndromeEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY 32/ :335-336,2006
  • Superimposition of nutcracker syndrome in a hematuric child with idiopathic hypercalciuria and urolithiasisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 13/6 :814-816,2006
  • Re: Endovascular stent placement for the treatment of nutcracker phenomenon in three pediatric patients [1]JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY 17/ :1063-,2006
  • 13세 남아에서 우연히 발견된 거대 종격동 지방종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 16/4 :345-348,2006
  • Morphologically improved nutcracker syndrome in an 11-year-old girl with hematuriaPEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 49/ :677-679,2007
  • A five-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome complicated with acute acalculous cholecystitisPEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 49/ :674-676,2007
  • Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome in a 7-year-old girlCLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY 26/ :1011-1013,2007
  • Follow-up and Treatment of Nutcracker SyndromeANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY 21/3 :402-,2007
  • Effect of renal Doppler ultrasound on the detection of nutcracker syndrome in children with hematuriaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 166/ :399-404,2007
  • Doppler ultrasonographic indices in diagnosing nutcracker syndrome in childrenPEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY 22/ :409-413,2007
  • The usefulness of fetal MRI for prenatal diagnosisYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 48/4 :671-677,2007
  • Blockade of oxidative stress by vitamin C ameliorates albuminuria and renal sclerosis in experimental diabetic ratsYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 48/5 :847-855,2007
  • A good outcome for a case of chronic pneumonitis of infancyYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 48/5 :865-867,2007
  • Imaging features of gastrointestinal tract duplications in infants and children: From oesophagus to rectumPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 37/ :691-699,2007
  • The role of sphincteroplasty in adverse effect of anomalous pancreaticobiliary duct union in an animal modelPEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 23/ :225-231,2007
  • 3세 남아에서 발견된 만성 영아 폐렴소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 17/4 :425-429,2007
  • 12세 남아에서 발견된 기관지 점액표피양 암종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 17/4 :420-424,2007
  • 충수에서 발견된 섭취된 이물질 1예대한소아외과학회지(Journal Of The Korean Association Of Pediatric Surgeons) 13/2 :217-222,2007
  • 산전 스테로이드의 투여가 극소 저출생 체중아의 생후 초기 수분 평형 상태에 미치는 영향대한신생아학회지(Journal Of The Korean Society Of Neonatology) 14/2 :170-177,2007
  • Gastric volvulus associated with agenesis of the left lobe of the liver in a child: a case treated by laparoscopic gastropexyJournal Of Pediatric Surgery 43/ :231-233,2008
  • Acute interstitial pneumonia in siblings: A case reportJournal Of Korean Medical Science 23/ :529-532,2008
  • 간관 폐쇄증이 동반된 알라질 증후군 (Alagille Syndrome) 1예대한소아소화기영양학회지(Korean Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition) 11/1 :65-69,2008
  • The efficacy of ultrasound and dimercaptosuccinic acid scan in predicting vesicoureteral reflux in children below the age of 2 years with their first febrile urinary tract infectionPediatric Nephrology 24/10 :2009-2013,2009
  • Biliary Atresia: Color Doppler US findings in neonates and infantsRadiology 252/1 :282-289,2009
  • Squalene-induced exogenous lipoid pneumonia in an infantPediatrics International 51/5 :751-753,2009
  • vulvar lipomas in children: an analysis of 7 casesJournal Of Pediatric Surgery 44/10 :1920-1923,2009
  • Thymolipoma in a 13-year-old Korean girlKorean Journal of Pediatrics 53/1 :103-105,2010
  • Simple diagnostic approach to childhood fecal retention using the Leech score and Bristol stool form scale in medical practiceJournal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25/2 :334-338,2010
  • Spinal dysraphism with anorectal malformation: lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of 120 patientsJournal Of Pediatric Surgery 45/4 :769-776,2010
  • Internal jugular vein deformities after central venous catheterisation in neonates: Evaluation by Doppler ultrasoundJournal Of Paediatrics And Child Health 46/ :154-158,2010
  • Pediatric Laparoendoscopic Single-site Partial Nephrectomy: Initial ReportUrology 76/1 :138-141,2010
  • MR cholangiopancreatography findings in children with spontaneous bile duct perforationPediatric Radiology 40/5 :687-692,2010
  • 기계적 환기 요법을 시행 받은 미숙아에서 고탄산혈증과 뇌실내 출혈의 발생과의 관계Journal Of The Korean Society Of Neonatology(대한신생아학회지) 17/1 :34-43,2010
  • Renal Stone Associated with the Ketogenic Diet in a 5-Year Old Girl with Intractable EpilepsyYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 51/3 :457-459,2010
  • 반복적인 가래 기침을 주소로 내원한 9세 여아에서 견된 낭성섬유증 1례: FTR 유전자 변이 D339Y, Q220X대한소아알레르기및호흡기학회지 21/1 :61-66,2011
  • Evaluation of liver fibrosis with T2 relaxation time in infants with cholestasis: comparison with normal controlsPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 41/3 :350-354,2011
  • Gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced MR cholangiopancreatography in infants with cholestasisPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 41/4 :488-494,2011
  • Diffuse Interstitial Infiltrative Lung Metastasis of Malignant Melanoma: a Case ReportKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 12/2 :252-255,2011
  • Comparison of Clinico-Radiological Features between Congenital Cystic Neuroblastoma and Neonatal Adrenal Hemorrhagic PseudocystKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 12/1 :52-58,2011
  • The T2-Shortening Effect of Gadolinium and the Optimal Conditions for Maximizing the CNR for Evaluating the Biliary System: a Phantom StudyKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 12/3 :358-364,2011
  • Fetal MR Imaging of Constriction Band Syndrome Involving the Skull and BrainJOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY 35/6 :685-687,2011
  • 태변성 장 폐쇄의 임상적 특성 및 치료Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons(대한소아외과학회지) 17/1 :15-22,2011
  • Response: Biliary Atresia in Neonates and InfantsRADIOLOGY 261/3 :998-998,2011
  • Spontaneous Mediastinitis in a Ten-year-old Girl: A Case Report대한영상의학회지 64/1 :87-90,2011
  • A Case of Mediastinal and Pulmonary Cryptococcosis in a 3-Year-Old Immunocompetent Gril대한소아알레르기및호흡기학회지 21/4 :350-355,2011
  • Sonographic appearance of intrathyroid ectopic thymus in childrenJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND 40/5 :266-271,2012
  • Factors Associated with Complications of the Ureteral Stump After Proximal UreteroureterostomyJOURNAL OF UROLOGY 188/5 :1890-1894,2012
  • Radiation dose reduction with the adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) technique for chest CT in children: An intra-individual comparisonEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 81/9 :938-943,2012
  • 히르슈슈프룽병의 One-stage Transanal Endorectal Pull-through 술식에서 대장조영술의 의의Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons(대한소아외과학회지) 18/2 :75-82,2012
  • Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis with Pancreatic Involvement: Imaging Findings Including Diffusion-Weighted Imaging대한자기공명의과학회지 16/3 :262-265,2012
  • 빠르게 진행하는 신생아 낭성 신경모세포종대한초음파의학회지 31/4 :263-266,2012
  • Cellular mesoblastic nephroma with liver metastasis in a neonate: Prenatal and postnatal diffusion-weighted MR imagingKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 14/2 :361-365,2013
  • Factors indicating renal injury in pediatric bilateral ureteropelvic- junction obstructionUROLOGY 81/4 :873-878,2013
  • Variability of shear wave velocity using different frequencies in acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography: A phantom and normal liver studyULTRASCHALL IN DER MEDIZIN 34/3 :260-265,2013
  • Comparison of the reliability of two hydronephrosis grading systems: The Society for Foetal Urology grading system vs. the Onen grading systemCLINICAL RADIOLOGY 68/9 :e484-e490,2013
  • Age-related changes in liver, kidney, and spleen stiffness in healthy children measured with acoustic radiation force impulse imagingEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 82/6 :e290-e294,2013
  • Imaging Findings of Renal Cell Carcinoma Associated with Xp11.2 Translocation/TFE3 Gene Fusion in a 4-Year-Old Male: Case Report and Review of Literature대한자기공명의과학회지 17/1 :41-46,2013
  • Length and Volume of Morphologically Normal Kidneys in Korean Children: Ultrasound Measurement and Estimation Using Body SizeKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 14/4 :677-682,2013
  • 초극소저체중 출생아에서 발생한 태변 연관 장폐색증Neonatal medicine 20/1 :121-128,2013
  • Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pediatric Patients: Review and Recommendations for Current PracticeMagnetic Resonance Insights 6/- :95-111,2013
  • Use of Animated Cartoons with Children’s Songs to Increase Compliance with Ultrasonography in Young ChildrenYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 54/6 :1533-1537,2013
  • Coexisting ureteropelvic junction obstruction and ureterovesical junction obstruction: is pyeloplasty always the preferred initial surgery?UROLOGY 83/2 :443-449,2014
  • Shear wave velocity measurements using acoustic radiation force impulse in young children with normal kidneys versus hydronephrotic kidneysULTRASONOGRAPHY 33/2 :116-121,2014
  • Ultrasonographic features of fibrous hamartoma of infancySKELETAL RADIOLOGY 43/5 :649-653,2014
  • Intestinal lesions in pediatric Crohn disease: comparative detectability among pulse sequences at MR enterographyPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 44/7 :821-830,2014
  • Transient Elastography and Sonography for Prediction of Liver Fibrosis in Infants With Biliary AtresiaJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 33/5 :853-864,2014
  • Increased 18F-FDG Uptake by a Retroperitoneal Mature Cystic Teratoma in an InfantCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE 39/4 :352-354,2014
  • Radiation dose reduction and image quality in pediatric abdominal CT with kVp and mAs modulation and an iterative reconstruction techniqueCLINICAL IMAGING 38/5 :710-714,2014
  • Ultrasonographic findings of type IIIa biliary atresiaULTRASONOGRAPHY 33/4 :267-274,2014
  • Points to be considered when applying FibroScan s probe in children with biliary atresiaJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION 59/5 :624-628,2014
  • Effects of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction on radiation dose reduction and diagnostic accuracy of pediatric abdominal CTPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 44/12 :1541-1547,2014
  • Meaning of ureter dilatation during ultrasonography in infants for evaluating vesicoureteral refluxEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 84/2 :307-311,2015
  • Normal range of hepatic fat fraction on dual- and triple-echo fat quantification MR in childrenPLOS ONE 10/2 :0-0,2015
  • Half-dose abdominal CT with sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction technique in children - comparison with full-dose CT with filtered back projectionPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 45/2 :188-193,2015
  • Radiation dose and image quality in pediatric chest CT: effects of iterative reconstruction in normal weight and overweight childrenPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 45/3 :337-344,2015
  • Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for the evaluation of liver fibrosis after biliary obstructionWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 21/9 :2614-2621,2015
  • Imaging patterns of sonographic lenticulostriate vasculopathy and correlation with clinical and neurodevelopmental outcomeJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND 43/6 :367-374,2015
  • Quantitative computed tomography assessment of graft-versus-host disease-related bronchiolitis obliterans in children: A pilot feasibility studyEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 25/10 :2931-2936,2015
  • Primary Renal Undifferentiated Sarcoma as an Infiltrative Mass in a 12-Year-Old Boy대한영상의학회지 73/3 :199-203,2015
  • Multiple hemangiomas of the urinary bladder in a child with gross hematuriaULTRASONOGRAPHY 34/3 :231-234,2015
  • Hepatic fat quantification magnetic resonance for monitoring treatment response in pediatric nonalcoholic steatohepatitisWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 21/33 :9741-9748,2015
  • Prepubertal Testicular Teratomas and Epidermoid Cysts : Comparison of Clinical and Sonographic FeaturesJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 34/10 :1745-1751,2015
  • Is Increased Echogenicity Related to a Decrease in Glomerular Filtration Rate? Objective Measurements in Pediatric Solitary Kidney Patients--A Retrospective AnalysisPLOS ONE 10/8 :e0133577-,2015
  • Choledochal cyst rupture with an intrahepatic pseudocyst mimicking hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma in an infantCLINICAL IMAGING 39/5 :914-916,2015
  • Optimal Filum Terminale Thickness Cutoff Value on Sonography for Lipoma Screening in Young ChildrenJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 34/11 :1943-1949,2015
  • Conservative Management of Segmental Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney in ChildrenUROLOGY 86/5 :1013-1018,2015
  • Superb microvascular imaging for the detection of parenchymal perfusion in normal and undescended testes in young childrenEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 85/3 :649-656,2016
  • Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 in Humidifier Disinfectant-Associated Children's Interstitial Lung DiseasePEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 51/2 :173-182,2016
  • The vagaries of proper imaging in diagnosing single-system ectopic ureter in children with continuous incontinence and outcomes of simple nephrectomyJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 51/3 :469-474,2016
  • Comparison of effective radiation doses from X-ray, CT, and PET/CT in pediatric patients with neuroblastoma using a dose monitoring programDIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY 22/4 :390-394,2016
  • Imaging Features of Infratentorial Desmoplastic Infantile and Non-Infantile Tumors대한영상의학회지 75/1 :49-56,2016
  • Botryoid Wilms’ Tumor in a Child Presenting with Gross Hematuria: A Case Report대한영상의학회지 75/3 :198-202,2016
  • Comparison of shear wave velocities on ultrasound elastography between different machines, transducers, and acquisition depths: a phantom studyEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 26/10 :3,361-3,367,2016
  • Comparison of image quality between conventional VIBE and radial VIBE in free-breathing paediatric abdominal MRICLINICAL RADIOLOGY 71/10 :1,044-1,049,2016
  • Optimal Acquisition Number for Hepatic Shear Wave Velocity Measurements in ChildrenPLOS ONE 11/12 :e0168758-,2016
  • Simplified split-bolus intravenous contrast injection technique for pediatric abdominal CTCLINICAL IMAGING 46/ :28-32,2017
  • Head CT: Image quality improvement with ASIR-V using a reduced radiation dose protocol for childrenEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 27/9 :3,609-3,617,2017
  • Lung Clearance Index and Quantitative Computed Tomography of Post-Infectious Bronchiolitis Obliterans in InfantsSCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7/1 :15,128-,2017
  • Testicular volume and elasticity changes in young children with undescended testesMEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 19/4 :380-385,2017
  • Motion effects on the measurement of stiffness on ultrasound shear wave elastography: A moving liver fibrosis phantom studyMEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 20/1 :14-20,2018
  • Interconversion of elasticity measurements between two-dimensional shear wave elastography and transient elastographyMEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 20/2 :127-133,2018
  • MRI-based decision tree model for diagnosis of biliary atresiaEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 28/8 :3,422-3,431,2018
  • Liver intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging for the assessment of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in childrenWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 24/27 :3,013-3,020,2018
  • Predicting gastroesophageal varices through spleen magnetic resonance elastography in pediatric liver fibrosisWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 25/3 :367-377,2019