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학회·연구·연수·수상 경력
Boston Childrens Hospital, Harvard Medical School 연수
University of Wisconsin, Madison 연수
Member of Radiological Society of North America
Member of Society for Pediatric Radiology
Member of Asian Oceanian Society for Pediatric Radiology
대한영상의학회 의무위원회 간사, 편집위원, 학술위원
대한초음파학회 기획이사
대한자기공명의학회 편집위원 외 다수
편측성 다낭포성 신이형성증의 임상경과대한소아신장학회지(Journal of Korean Society for Pediatric Nephrology) 4/0 :63-68,2000
Biliary Atresia in Neonate and Infants: Triangular Area of High Signal Intensity in the Porta Hepatis at T2-weighted MR Cholangiography with US and Histopathologic CorrelationRADIOLOGY 215/2 :395-401,2000
Does every patient with ureteropelvic junction obstruction need voiding cystourethrography?JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 165/6 :2305-2307,2001
Use of imaging for assessing anatomical relationships of tracheobronchial anomalies with left pulmonary artery slingPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 31/ :269-278,2001
Using MR cholangiopancreatography to reveal anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal union in infants and children with choledochal cystsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY 179/1 :209-214,2002
기계적 환기요법을 시행받은 미숙아에서 저탄산혈증과 뇌실주위 백질연화증의 발생과의 관계대한신생아학회지(Journal of Korean Society Neonatology) 9/2 :150-158,2002
9세 남아에서 우연히 발견된 기관지원성 낭종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 14/3 :234-238,2004
미숙아 대동맥 혈전의 urokinase 투여 효과대한신생아학회지(Journal Of The Korean Society Of Neonatology) 11/2 :203-209,2004
원위 신세뇨관성 산증에 합병된 급성 주기성 저칼륨혈증 마비 1례대한소아신장학회지 8/1 :63-67,2004
출산 전후기에 진단된 무증상 부신 종괴의 치료대한소아외과학회지(Journal Of The Korean Association Of Pediatric Surgeons) 10/2 :107-111,2004
태아 복부 고형 종양 (solid tumor)의 영상 진단대한산부회지 47/5 :894-900,2004
Elastin content of the renal pelvis and ureter determines post-pyeloplasty recoveryJOURNAL OF UROLOGY 173/3 :962-966,2005
무증상 혈뇨 또는 단백뇨 소아의 좌신정맥 혈류 속도대한소아신장학회지 9/1 :15-20,2005
Factors affecting spontaneous resolution of hematuria in childhood nutcracker syndromePEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY 20/ :609-613,2005
Superimposition of nutcracker syndrome in a haematuric child with Henoch-Scho?nlein purpuraINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE 59/ :1472-1475,2005
흉막 삼출을 동반한 흉선 성숙 기형종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 15/1 :78-83,2005
Doppler ultrasonographic detection of nutcracker syndrome in a young child with intussusception: A case reportCLINICAL OBSERVATIONS / :1510-1513,2005
Nutcracker syndrome combined with IgA nephropathy in a child with recurrent hematuriaPEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 48/ :324-326,2006
Caroli's syndrome with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in a two month old infant.YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 47/1 :131-134,2006
The Prevalence, Physical Characteristics and Diagnosis of Nutcracker SyndromeEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY 32/ :335-336,2006
Superimposition of nutcracker syndrome in a hematuric child with idiopathic hypercalciuria and urolithiasisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 13/6 :814-816,2006
Re: Endovascular stent placement for the treatment of nutcracker phenomenon in three pediatric patients [1]JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY 17/ :1063-,2006
13세 남아에서 우연히 발견된 거대 종격동 지방종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 16/4 :345-348,2006
Morphologically improved nutcracker syndrome in an 11-year-old girl with hematuriaPEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 49/ :677-679,2007
A five-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome complicated with acute acalculous cholecystitisPEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 49/ :674-676,2007
Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome in a 7-year-old girlCLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY 26/ :1011-1013,2007
Follow-up and Treatment of Nutcracker SyndromeANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY 21/3 :402-,2007
Effect of renal Doppler ultrasound on the detection of nutcracker syndrome in children with hematuriaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 166/ :399-404,2007
Doppler ultrasonographic indices in diagnosing nutcracker syndrome in childrenPEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY 22/ :409-413,2007
The usefulness of fetal MRI for prenatal diagnosisYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 48/4 :671-677,2007
Blockade of oxidative stress by vitamin C ameliorates albuminuria and renal sclerosis in experimental diabetic ratsYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 48/5 :847-855,2007
A good outcome for a case of chronic pneumonitis of infancyYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 48/5 :865-867,2007
Imaging features of gastrointestinal tract duplications in infants and children: From oesophagus to rectumPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 37/ :691-699,2007
The role of sphincteroplasty in adverse effect of anomalous pancreaticobiliary duct union in an animal modelPEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 23/ :225-231,2007
3세 남아에서 발견된 만성 영아 폐렴소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 17/4 :425-429,2007
12세 남아에서 발견된 기관지 점액표피양 암종 1례소아알레르기 호흡기학회지(Pediatric Allergy And Respiratory Disease) 17/4 :420-424,2007
충수에서 발견된 섭취된 이물질 1예대한소아외과학회지(Journal Of The Korean Association Of Pediatric Surgeons) 13/2 :217-222,2007
산전 스테로이드의 투여가 극소 저출생 체중아의 생후 초기 수분 평형 상태에 미치는 영향대한신생아학회지(Journal Of The Korean Society Of Neonatology) 14/2 :170-177,2007
Gastric volvulus associated with agenesis of the left lobe of the liver in a child: a case treated by laparoscopic gastropexyJournal Of Pediatric Surgery 43/ :231-233,2008
Acute interstitial pneumonia in siblings: A case reportJournal Of Korean Medical Science 23/ :529-532,2008
간관 폐쇄증이 동반된 알라질 증후군 (Alagille Syndrome) 1예대한소아소화기영양학회지(Korean Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition) 11/1 :65-69,2008
The efficacy of ultrasound and dimercaptosuccinic acid scan in predicting vesicoureteral reflux in children below the age of 2 years with their first febrile urinary tract infectionPediatric Nephrology 24/10 :2009-2013,2009
Biliary Atresia: Color Doppler US findings in neonates and infantsRadiology 252/1 :282-289,2009
Squalene-induced exogenous lipoid pneumonia in an infantPediatrics International 51/5 :751-753,2009
vulvar lipomas in children: an analysis of 7 casesJournal Of Pediatric Surgery 44/10 :1920-1923,2009
Thymolipoma in a 13-year-old Korean girlKorean Journal of Pediatrics 53/1 :103-105,2010
Simple diagnostic approach to childhood fecal retention using the Leech score and Bristol stool form scale in medical practiceJournal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25/2 :334-338,2010
Spinal dysraphism with anorectal malformation: lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of 120 patientsJournal Of Pediatric Surgery 45/4 :769-776,2010
Internal jugular vein deformities after central venous catheterisation in neonates: Evaluation by Doppler ultrasoundJournal Of Paediatrics And Child Health 46/ :154-158,2010
Pediatric Laparoendoscopic Single-site Partial Nephrectomy: Initial ReportUrology 76/1 :138-141,2010
MR cholangiopancreatography findings in children with spontaneous bile duct perforationPediatric Radiology 40/5 :687-692,2010
기계적 환기 요법을 시행 받은 미숙아에서 고탄산혈증과 뇌실내 출혈의 발생과의 관계Journal Of The Korean Society Of Neonatology(대한신생아학회지) 17/1 :34-43,2010
Renal Stone Associated with the Ketogenic Diet in a 5-Year Old Girl with Intractable EpilepsyYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 51/3 :457-459,2010
반복적인 가래 기침을 주소로 내원한 9세 여아에서 견된 낭성섬유증 1례: FTR 유전자 변이 D339Y, Q220X대한소아알레르기및호흡기학회지 21/1 :61-66,2011
Evaluation of liver fibrosis with T2 relaxation time in infants with cholestasis: comparison with normal controlsPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 41/3 :350-354,2011
Gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced MR cholangiopancreatography in infants with cholestasisPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 41/4 :488-494,2011
Diffuse Interstitial Infiltrative Lung Metastasis of Malignant Melanoma: a Case ReportKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 12/2 :252-255,2011
Comparison of Clinico-Radiological Features between Congenital Cystic Neuroblastoma and Neonatal Adrenal Hemorrhagic PseudocystKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 12/1 :52-58,2011
The T2-Shortening Effect of Gadolinium and the Optimal Conditions for Maximizing the CNR for Evaluating the Biliary System: a Phantom StudyKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 12/3 :358-364,2011
Fetal MR Imaging of Constriction Band Syndrome Involving the Skull and BrainJOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY 35/6 :685-687,2011
태변성 장 폐쇄의 임상적 특성 및 치료Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons(대한소아외과학회지) 17/1 :15-22,2011
Response: Biliary Atresia in Neonates and InfantsRADIOLOGY 261/3 :998-998,2011
Spontaneous Mediastinitis in a Ten-year-old Girl: A Case Report대한영상의학회지 64/1 :87-90,2011
A Case of Mediastinal and Pulmonary Cryptococcosis in a 3-Year-Old Immunocompetent Gril대한소아알레르기및호흡기학회지 21/4 :350-355,2011
Sonographic appearance of intrathyroid ectopic thymus in childrenJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND 40/5 :266-271,2012
Factors Associated with Complications of the Ureteral Stump After Proximal UreteroureterostomyJOURNAL OF UROLOGY 188/5 :1890-1894,2012
Radiation dose reduction with the adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) technique for chest CT in children: An intra-individual comparisonEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 81/9 :938-943,2012
히르슈슈프룽병의 One-stage Transanal Endorectal Pull-through 술식에서 대장조영술의 의의Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons(대한소아외과학회지) 18/2 :75-82,2012
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis with Pancreatic Involvement: Imaging Findings Including Diffusion-Weighted Imaging대한자기공명의과학회지 16/3 :262-265,2012
빠르게 진행하는 신생아 낭성 신경모세포종대한초음파의학회지 31/4 :263-266,2012
Cellular mesoblastic nephroma with liver metastasis in a neonate: Prenatal and postnatal diffusion-weighted MR imagingKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 14/2 :361-365,2013
Factors indicating renal injury in pediatric bilateral ureteropelvic- junction obstructionUROLOGY 81/4 :873-878,2013
Variability of shear wave velocity using different frequencies in acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography: A phantom and normal liver studyULTRASCHALL IN DER MEDIZIN 34/3 :260-265,2013
Comparison of the reliability of two hydronephrosis grading systems: The Society for Foetal Urology grading system vs. the Onen grading systemCLINICAL RADIOLOGY 68/9 :e484-e490,2013
Age-related changes in liver, kidney, and spleen stiffness in healthy children measured with acoustic radiation force impulse imagingEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 82/6 :e290-e294,2013
Imaging Findings of Renal Cell Carcinoma Associated with Xp11.2 Translocation/TFE3 Gene Fusion in a 4-Year-Old Male: Case Report and Review of Literature대한자기공명의과학회지 17/1 :41-46,2013
Length and Volume of Morphologically Normal Kidneys in Korean Children: Ultrasound Measurement and Estimation Using Body SizeKOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 14/4 :677-682,2013
초극소저체중 출생아에서 발생한 태변 연관 장폐색증Neonatal medicine 20/1 :121-128,2013
Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pediatric Patients: Review and Recommendations for Current PracticeMagnetic Resonance Insights 6/- :95-111,2013
Use of Animated Cartoons with Children’s Songs to Increase Compliance with Ultrasonography in Young ChildrenYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 54/6 :1533-1537,2013
Coexisting ureteropelvic junction obstruction and ureterovesical junction obstruction: is pyeloplasty always the preferred initial surgery?UROLOGY 83/2 :443-449,2014
Shear wave velocity measurements using acoustic radiation force impulse in young children with normal kidneys versus hydronephrotic kidneysULTRASONOGRAPHY 33/2 :116-121,2014
Ultrasonographic features of fibrous hamartoma of infancySKELETAL RADIOLOGY 43/5 :649-653,2014
Intestinal lesions in pediatric Crohn disease: comparative detectability among pulse sequences at MR enterographyPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 44/7 :821-830,2014
Transient Elastography and Sonography for Prediction of Liver Fibrosis in Infants With Biliary AtresiaJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 33/5 :853-864,2014
Increased 18F-FDG Uptake by a Retroperitoneal Mature Cystic Teratoma in an InfantCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE 39/4 :352-354,2014
Radiation dose reduction and image quality in pediatric abdominal CT with kVp and mAs modulation and an iterative reconstruction techniqueCLINICAL IMAGING 38/5 :710-714,2014
Ultrasonographic findings of type IIIa biliary atresiaULTRASONOGRAPHY 33/4 :267-274,2014
Points to be considered when applying FibroScan s probe in children with biliary atresiaJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION 59/5 :624-628,2014
Effects of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction on radiation dose reduction and diagnostic accuracy of pediatric abdominal CTPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 44/12 :1541-1547,2014
Meaning of ureter dilatation during ultrasonography in infants for evaluating vesicoureteral refluxEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 84/2 :307-311,2015
Normal range of hepatic fat fraction on dual- and triple-echo fat quantification MR in childrenPLOS ONE 10/2 :0-0,2015
Half-dose abdominal CT with sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction technique in children - comparison with full-dose CT with filtered back projectionPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 45/2 :188-193,2015
Radiation dose and image quality in pediatric chest CT: effects of iterative reconstruction in normal weight and overweight childrenPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY 45/3 :337-344,2015
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for the evaluation of liver fibrosis after biliary obstructionWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 21/9 :2614-2621,2015
Imaging patterns of sonographic lenticulostriate vasculopathy and correlation with clinical and neurodevelopmental outcomeJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND 43/6 :367-374,2015
Quantitative computed tomography assessment of graft-versus-host disease-related bronchiolitis obliterans in children: A pilot feasibility studyEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 25/10 :2931-2936,2015
Primary Renal Undifferentiated Sarcoma as an Infiltrative Mass in a 12-Year-Old Boy대한영상의학회지 73/3 :199-203,2015
Multiple hemangiomas of the urinary bladder in a child with gross hematuriaULTRASONOGRAPHY 34/3 :231-234,2015
Hepatic fat quantification magnetic resonance for monitoring treatment response in pediatric nonalcoholic steatohepatitisWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 21/33 :9741-9748,2015
Prepubertal Testicular Teratomas and Epidermoid Cysts : Comparison of Clinical and Sonographic FeaturesJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 34/10 :1745-1751,2015
Is Increased Echogenicity Related to a Decrease in Glomerular Filtration Rate? Objective Measurements in Pediatric Solitary Kidney Patients--A Retrospective AnalysisPLOS ONE 10/8 :e0133577-,2015
Choledochal cyst rupture with an intrahepatic pseudocyst mimicking hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma in an infantCLINICAL IMAGING 39/5 :914-916,2015
Optimal Filum Terminale Thickness Cutoff Value on Sonography for Lipoma Screening in Young ChildrenJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE 34/11 :1943-1949,2015
Conservative Management of Segmental Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney in ChildrenUROLOGY 86/5 :1013-1018,2015
Superb microvascular imaging for the detection of parenchymal perfusion in normal and undescended testes in young childrenEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 85/3 :649-656,2016
Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 in Humidifier Disinfectant-Associated Children's Interstitial Lung DiseasePEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 51/2 :173-182,2016
The vagaries of proper imaging in diagnosing single-system ectopic ureter in children with continuous incontinence and outcomes of simple nephrectomyJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 51/3 :469-474,2016
Comparison of effective radiation doses from X-ray, CT, and PET/CT in pediatric patients with neuroblastoma using a dose monitoring programDIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY 22/4 :390-394,2016
Imaging Features of Infratentorial Desmoplastic Infantile and Non-Infantile Tumors대한영상의학회지 75/1 :49-56,2016
Botryoid Wilms’ Tumor in a Child Presenting with Gross Hematuria: A Case Report대한영상의학회지 75/3 :198-202,2016
Comparison of shear wave velocities on ultrasound elastography between different machines, transducers, and acquisition depths: a phantom studyEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 26/10 :3,361-3,367,2016
Comparison of image quality between conventional VIBE and radial VIBE in free-breathing paediatric abdominal MRICLINICAL RADIOLOGY 71/10 :1,044-1,049,2016
Optimal Acquisition Number for Hepatic Shear Wave Velocity Measurements in ChildrenPLOS ONE 11/12 :e0168758-,2016
Simplified split-bolus intravenous contrast injection technique for pediatric abdominal CTCLINICAL IMAGING 46/ :28-32,2017
Head CT: Image quality improvement with ASIR-V using a reduced radiation dose protocol for childrenEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 27/9 :3,609-3,617,2017
Lung Clearance Index and Quantitative Computed Tomography of Post-Infectious Bronchiolitis Obliterans in InfantsSCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7/1 :15,128-,2017
Testicular volume and elasticity changes in young children with undescended testesMEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 19/4 :380-385,2017
Motion effects on the measurement of stiffness on ultrasound shear wave elastography: A moving liver fibrosis phantom studyMEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 20/1 :14-20,2018
Interconversion of elasticity measurements between two-dimensional shear wave elastography and transient elastographyMEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 20/2 :127-133,2018
MRI-based decision tree model for diagnosis of biliary atresiaEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 28/8 :3,422-3,431,2018
Liver intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging for the assessment of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in childrenWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 24/27 :3,013-3,020,2018
Predicting gastroesophageal varices through spleen magnetic resonance elastography in pediatric liver fibrosisWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 25/3 :367-377,2019
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